Mental Health
Best Service

Mental Health

A mental health disorder affects one in four people in the United States at some point in their life. At Next Step Treatment Center in Baltimore, Maryland, the skilled medical team offers comprehensive, compassionate care for a variety of mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. The staff uses the latest therapeutic techniques and medications to help you better manage your mental health. Find out more about the available mental health care services by contacting us or requesting an appointment online today.

Mental Health Q & A

What is mental health?

Your mental health describes your well-being on an emotional, psychological, and social level. Mental health affects how you feel, act, and think, and a variety of things can negatively impact your overall mental well-being, including:

Family history
Brain chemistry
Genetic background

Untreated mental health issues can worsen over time and ultimately interfere with your quality of life. They can also lead to thoughts or actions of self-harm, including suicide. The team at Next Step Treatment Center can treat a variety of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and schizoaffective disorders.

When should I seek treatment for mental health issues?

When you’re living with mental health issues, it can be difficult to recognize changes in your behavior and personality. Often, friends and family are the first to notice potential warning signs of a mental health condition.

If loved ones are encouraging you to seek help, you can schedule a comprehensive mental health assessment at Next Step Treatment Center. You should also request a consultation if you experience persistent symptoms like:

Mood swings
Intrusive thoughts
Disinterest in hobbies
Genetic background

The Next Step Treatment Center team also encourages you to seek treatment if you have thoughts of suicide or if you’re using drugs or alcohol to cope with your feelings.

What are the available mental health services?

To provide you with the highest level of care, the Next Step Treatment Center team uses a variety of personalized mental health services.

In addition to a comprehensive mental health evaluation, you can benefit from:

Group therapy
Individual therapy
Medication management
Psychiatric rehabilitation

The Next Step Treatment Center team uses evidence-based treatment modalities that focus on strength-based, solution-focused training and counseling services. We provide you with the assistance you need to heal and restore your high quality of life.

The skilled therapy team helps you navigate through the past, present, and future obstacles so you can be the best possible version of yourself. Therapy sessions are available in-office, or you can use the teletherapy services from wherever you are.

Recovery is within reach, and it belongs to you.

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